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    Ack! Another weekend in the rearview mirror, and a new week ahead of us. What do you do to find your motivation? Do you listen to your favorite playlist on the radio, or do you find your zen in a coffee cup? Maybe you love on your pets, or pester your person?   

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    Sunday Funday!

    Sunday’s are best spent being lazy and taking a chance to slow down, and prepare for the upcoming week. It is rare that I take the day to lounge, but when I do I love for it to be Sunday. Now that I think about it, it has been a couple of years since I have made a point to spend Sunday being lazy. Maybe I need to change that… How do you like to spend your Sunday’s? 

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    Favorite Smells . . .

    I love the smell of a clean house. There is nothing like that fresh smell when everything is dust-free, and the floors are swept and mopped. I also love the smell of fresh cut grass. It reminds me of spring days spent outside as a kid with Dad, and it is always nice to have look out and see a well kept place. I also enjoy the smell of lavender and soft scents of perfume, as long as you don’t bathe in it.  What are some of your favorite smells?

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    On My Nightstand . . .

    I just have a lamp, a framed picture, an elephant and a book on my nightstand. My latest read is Ken Follett’s “Night Over Water” that is a fictional read based on non-fictional events during WWII. It was one that Dwwindsor suggested and Nictster sent to me.  I have not gotten too far because at the end of my cam day I am usually tired and start to drift off after a few pages, but I hope to spend some time reading it tonight and maybe tomorrow.  What is on your nightstand?

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    A Very Special Day (June 10)

    In my #newbeginnings I have allowed myself to slip on my birthday posts and encouragement of celebrations of each one. I am slowly adding the important dates back into my calendar book so that I will not miss another one… This one was not missed, but I did not make the time to dedicate a blog post to someone who deserves more than just a tweet. So, forgive me for my lack of attention to this very special day, and join in wishing Molly a wonderful and very happy birthday month. She is a sweet lady, with a wicked sense of humor and a generous heart. She is always spreading…

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    It Is Not What It Appears . . .

    I have always had a healthy appetite. I love food. My parents had a hard time in that I was always hungry, but we were not a house full of snacks. At dinner time I was usually already sitting in my spot before Dad even showed up. I was ready to eat but we never made a plate until Dad had his. It was just the way it was and we also never had a choice in what was going to be for dinner. Mom cooked for Dad and we ate whatever was on the table.  Dad had a serious sweet tooth. He loved his sweets and boy would he…

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    Plans For New Content

    I have not shot… scratch that… I have not created new content since I was in Mexico earlier this year and we have plans to spend a good part of this weekend doing videos, and a few picture sets. I am having fun with videos and new ideas, so I am looking forward to spending Friday night through Sunday morning doing just that!  I have a few ideas floating around in my head, but should probably do what I do best, and that is make a list so that I don’t forget. And, by list, I mean pen to paper, not on my phone.  I have had a lot of…

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    Iris’ Living Wild

    Yesterday we, and by we I mean MtnMan, happened upon a cluster of Iris’ growing wild when he was mowing the front field. The wild growing iris’ are also known as the Rocky Mountain Iris and is listed as a noxious weed, but according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center, they are cultivated and sold in stores in wildflower packs, and bulb sets. They can be invasive if not divided and maintained through the seasons, especially in damp climates, but also thrive in the dry climates, especially around groves and creeks.  After much consideration, and some research, I (and by that I mean MtnMan) will be digging them up…