• My Blog

    Hello June!

    Wow! We are halfway through 2018 and it has been an amazing roller coaster of a year so far. From moving, several times, to experiencing my first winter in the high desert, to back and forth trips to Texas, it has been chaotic at times, but also refreshing.  My first winter was mild, and perfect for me. It snowed, but did not get below zero except for a few hours here and there, and not for days on end. The snowfall was not at all what is needed for this area, but the spring has been unusually wet with decent rain storms. I love rain and that is something that…

  • My Blog

    Book Shelf

    Goodness, you guys have really have restocked my bookshelves. I have enough books to keep me reading for a few months, thank you!  Nick, I just received another book from you, and I just now realized I never “officially” thanked you for the first one! I look forward to reading them both, but the one I just picked up will be my next read. It is one that Dwwindsor suggested regarding WWII and a downed civilian airplane. I am currently reading a book on loan that was written by a survivor of Bastogne, and will probably be finished with that this weekend.   

  • My Blog

    Thank You, Thank You!

    You guys and gals have always been a generous and very thoughtful bunch. Whether you check on me through the weeks, stop by my cam room to say hi, or send surprises through the mail to my PO Box, I appreciate each one of you.  This is an over due thank you, and I figure it is better late than not at all, so here it goes.  Stephen, you sent a candle for my birthday, for no reason than just because you wanted to let me know you were thinking about me. Thank you! It is a subtle scent and it fills the home beautifully. And, incidentally, I wear your…

  • My Blog

    Memorial Day

    What today means to me: Memorial Day isn’t the day that starts summer, nor is it the day that gives me an excuse to head to the lake to drink like a fool. Memorial Day is the one day that we, as a country, actually stop to think about our freedom. It’s the one day that, as a whole, we appreciate those who gave their lives and sacrificed their futures so that we could have one. Many never made it home while others did, but let us not forget what they ultimately gave. Their lives. I’m thankful for all soldiers, nurses, families and lives from past and present wars and…

  • My Blog

    A Titillating Conversation

    Me: How’s it going? Him: I am having a terrible day. Me: Aww, I am sorry. Him: It has been a bad day. Me: Sorry that you have had a bad day. So, what is going on this afternoon? Him: Today has been terrible. Me: Okay, would you like to talk about it? Him: Yeah, it has been a terrible day. Me: Yeah, you have fucking said that already. Four fucking times, to be exact.  Me: Today is fucking terrible. I get it. Him: What’s bothering you bb? Me: Are you in my cam room just to fuck with me? Is this a joke, or what? *eye roll*  Him: ……

  • My Blog

    Baklava. Gone.

    I am struggling to get through my day and to make matters worse, the baklava is gone! All gone! The next baklava holiday is not until July 17th, which happens to be Dawn Marie’s birthday. If you are not aware, she loves her some birthday and it is my favorite of all birthday’s!