My Blog

The Remnants…


Most of my houseplants have been devoured by Tigger, and those that survived were moved outside.


All, except for one, that is. We have a corner curio cabinet in the living room that has one ivy on top of it. It used to hang down both sides of the cabinet, prior to Tigger moving in. Once he took up residence I trimmed it up and rearranged the long strands to cover the entire top of the curio, putting it out of reach from his destruction. He’s been living here since May and that plant has survived… until yesterday. I woke up to shreds of ivy all over the living room. From the cabinet to the back door, to the T.V. and all over the area rug. The plant is in terrible shape! Half of it is gone and the other half is so wilted I’m not sure if it’ll survive. Tigger looks satisfied and has absolutely no remorse. It’s obvious by the way he snuggles up against me and smiles. I threatened to string him up by his tail and he just laughed at me by turning his back!

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