My Blog

Red Does it Again!

Because Red lives close enough to us to meet for dinner, we see each other usually once a month, sometimes more. He’s always so accommodating, and I enjoy his company so it’s always a pleasure when he mentions a date. My first question is what town and where at, but he follows it up with, your choice. Sometimes we meet him in Austin, so it’s a little more convenient for him, but other times he drives a good half hour out of his way to make it easier for me. For our holiday dinner, I met him half way between his area and mine, which was about equal distance for both of us. It’s fun to explore new places, especially with a gentleman! We had dinner, then he picks up the check, and we walk to his truck, for surprises! I used to try to grab the check, but I’ve learned, it’s futile to fight that one. lol. And, when we leave I never expect him to have a bag of goodies, but he usually brings something along to make me smile. This time it was a batch of his homemade chex mix. I’m not sure what he did to spice the mix up, but it was tasty! Along with that he had a PB & Chocolate lovers trail mix that’s great with coffee! As we were saying g’night, he shoved another Ben Franklin in my hand. What a generous fella! I’m always left speechless and not sure how to decline him without being rude. Although, I fear I have crossed that line before, but he’s always been gracious as he insists I take it.

31ZTFAA1AFL._SL500_SS100_With his last $100 I went to a nursery that I’ve always wanted to check out, but never made the time. Unfortunately, they suffered a huge loss from heavy rains the week before and didn’t have much in stock. I did find a few plants I had on my list, and was going to save the change for my spring garden shopping spree, but changed my mind. While I was at the register, Devil told me I should find something else to spend it on, so that I would actually spend it. He made a good point. I tend to hold on to money if I have it in my wallet. I walked outside and heard the wind chimes. I’ve wanted a big wind chime for years, but because I don’t spend money, I’ve never gotten one. I can hear the chimes in every room, and it makes me smile.

This time I am going to choose to buy an outside deck box for the hot tub area. Devil has chemicals and shit all around the back door and I’ve wanted one for that area for a long time. It’ll look great back there, and provide extra seating.

Red, you continue to amaze me. Thank you! For whatever reason I grabbed your attention, I’m thankful for it. You have turned into a great friend.

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