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I don’t know where my love for animals came from, but since I was a kid I remember being in awe of such amazing creatures. Not just those who are most like humans, or even those that are cute and cuddly. I have great respect for the predators, too, except for snakes. I think all snakes should be shot on site and pushed into extinction. Those are not really animals, if you ask me. They’re the bad energy of the universe coming after you in your sleep. lol. Okay, that might be a little exaggerated, but there is no need for them in my world. Moving on. Elephants just amaze me. The way the remember, the way they play and enjoy each others company, and their love for each other. It warms my heart. We just watched an amazing show about an orphanage in Kenya. The lady has been rescuing the calves after their parents are pouched. Most come into the orphanage afraid of humans, but with love and support they grow up around other kids and gradually move into a half way house. There they live for a few years while they’re taught how to live in the wild. When the orphans are moved from the home into the half way house, ex-orphans come from miles away to greet the newcomer and they celebrate the addition to their family. Isn’t that just amazing?


The other day Devil sent me this link. Their story is heartbreaking, but after 22 yrs of living in chains and solitary, they’re reunited. Their excitement when they see each other for the first time in over two decades is enough to make anyone smile.

An emotional reunion between two elephants.

Elephants Making Heart Shape with Trunks

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