My Blog

Another Shocker

Outlaw has been with me a very long time; maybe as long as Bubba. He’s sent me gifts over the years, all of which I’ve loved. This year he surprised me with an Amazon Gift Card, which I cannot wait to use. I think I’ve got it narrowed down to shoes or a dress. I thought maybe leggings, but I really want a pair of shoes. You know, I don’t have near enough! I wear them all, so I don’t feel it’s excessive, just yet. Well, I wear almost all of them. Some are not fit to walk in, so I use them just for photo’s, but all others I wear. I know, you’re probably thinking I’m exaggerating, but I am not. When we go out, I wear heels. When it’s raining, I wear closed toed heels. When it’s cold, I wear boots with a heel, or peep toes. During the summer I wear strappy heels, peep toes, closed toe, flirty heels. Basically, anything except for boots or suede. So, when I find a new pair of heels that I feel I cannot, and should not, live without, I add it to my list. With Outlaw’s gift card, I feel I might have to have the latest pair. Thank you, Outlaw! Always a gem!


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