My Blog

The Flu…

Hey there! I’m so sorry I’ve been out of touch this past week. Well, a little over a week, but who’s counting. I’ve had the flu and I’m still recovering. I thought I was well enough to spend some time online Monday, but it set me back. I know, a few of you asked me to take another day, and the care that you all show me really means a lot to me, but I can’t stand not being productive, even for one day… and it’s been nine days now… Anyway, I’m doing much better than I was last week and through the weekend, but still fighting it. I hope to be online tomorrow (Wednesday), but will tweet to let you know for sure. I have to go visit someone in the morning, so it won’t be until the afternoon/evening.

Also, I am so sorry I had to cancel the shows last week, and then again tonight. I will definitely reschedule this weeks Tuesday show, but won’t set a date until I know there’s not a chance I’ll have to cancel.

One of the Monsters has held vigil by my side every day, and every night. I do believe Tony is mine. 🙂


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