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Sochi, What?

Twitter is all ablaze with talks of the Olympics. Exciting times! CNN is full of interviews with people already in Sochi, preparing for the upcoming events. Go Team USA! I don’t know the politics behind choosing a location, but I think maybe Russia was the wrong choice. They had seven years to build the Olympic city, and they failed. That’s a long time to figure things out and fix the mistakes that have so obviously plagued the entire process. The World’s Fair only took about three years to build, covering over 650 acres of land in Chicago. That was in the 1890’s, and I’m fairly certain even Russia has more equipment and technology than they had over 100 years ago. The water is not safe for “face washing” and some of the hotels are in shambles with all kinds of issues, not even close to being ready for guests. Along with those “minor” issues, now they fear it might not be safe. No. That’s a shock. If they can’t even manage to build the city, are they really going to have security under control? Who knows. To be honest, I’m not really following the Olympics. Shocker. I know. And, this post is only after listening to the news for the last week, so I could be wrong. But, according to the reports, they’re still no closer to being finished than they were a month ago… Just saying. Maybe Russia was not the best choice.

Now, with all that said. Why do you suppose the powers to be don’t get together and choose a neutral location. Put all the money into building one fortress, and make it a grand one at that. I understand this big event brings in a lot of revenue for the countries, but the cost of building new each time is ridiculous to me. What do the countries do with the buildings and tracks once the Olympics are over? Do they actually continue to use them, or do they city and become overgrown with vines? Like I said, I don’t follow it so I could be way off base…

Are you watching the Olympics? Which event is your favorite and do you have a certain player you’re pulling for?

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