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More Weird Laws

In September I posted a thread after reading an article about Blue Laws, but Hedo sent me a few he found this morning. All of them are news to me, except for the Donkey in the bathtub. lol.

It seems I’m not a good, law abiding, Texan. I’ve broken all three laws.

1.  It is illegal to hunt Camels in Arizona.
2.  If you have a pet Donkey, you’d better know that it’s illegal to let him sleep in the bathtub.
3.  If you are being attacked by a burglar or criminal you may only protect yourself with the same kind of weapon as he uses.
1.  It is illegal for liquor stores to sell any kind of food, even peanuts.
2.  In Denver, you can own a Black Car but you may not drive it on Sundays.
3.  In Vail, it is illegal to crash into obstacles on a ski slope.
1.  Children are not allowed to go trick or treating on Halloween.
2.  Sexual Intercourse with the lights on is illegal.  It’s also illegal by anyone who is not married and it’s illegal in any arrangement other than missionary position.
3.  It is illegal to tickle any woman in the State of Virginia.
1.  You cannot hold any public office unless you acknowledge the existence of a “Supreme Being”.
2.  If you are standing up, it is illegal to take more than 3 sips of beer at a time.
3.  If you own more than 6 sex toys or other “obscene devices” you can be charged with a felony.


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