My Blog

I’m Not Drunk, Really.

Devil got me sick. That should be noted first, and foremost. He did. Then he goes out of town. That should also be noted before I continue. LOL.

Devil’s doctor called in an antibiotic for me on Wednesday. I finished it yesterday. It obviously didn’t work. But, that’s not on his doc. He’s a really good guy and called it in without seeing me. Not many would do that.

I’ve been drinking a hot remedy that is supposedly full of Vitamin C and feel good juices. I’ve taken Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and been eating cough drops. Oh, and I started up Devil’s vaporizer, which I hate.. but I did.

All of that and I still cannot breath. I’m coughing, sneezing and my head is going to explode at any time now, I’m convinced, so it is definitely imminent.

Today I showered. LOL. I went to HEB, and it is windy as fuck. Everyone kept staring at me, and I’m not sure why. But it was really windy, and my ears are plugged up so I’m certain my balance is a little off, but not enough to warrant so many stares. Did I mention it’s windy as fuck? I ignored them, but should have sneezed on them and then coughed! Good lord! I’m not drunk, really. Please, ignore my blood shot eyeballs. lol.




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