My Blog

An Interactive Game

My blog has been full of talk about the VNA show, cancelled shows, rescheduled shows and being sick. We need to change that. I have fun when you guys interact on my blog, and it keeps me entertained, enough to continue to blog most days. 🙂

The first player, which will be me, will write a paragraph to a story. The second player will continue the story with a second paragraph. You can keep going with the original plot, or you can change it, moving it in another direction. The third person will continue, just as the second one did, and so on…


Everyone was dressed up and ready to attend the big social event of the season. The guests were greeted by the trusty butler, whom everyone loved. He was a happy fellow, that one; always interested in everyone else and never complaining. Not even when there was an elephant in the room.

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