My Blog

Tony, My Hunter

Out of the three I’d say Tony is mine. He lets me love on him, no matter his mood. He shares my pillow with me, if I’m lucky. Sometimes he pushes my head off the pillow after I fall asleep. He purrs into my ear when I’m waking up. He follows me to the studio and sometimes walks me back to the house at night. He’s my buddy. Tonight I wrangled the other two inside but couldn’t find Tony. Usually he’s underfoot, so I wondered what had gotten into him. After a short while I could hear him moving in the dark and then he came running towards me… with a snake in his mouth! I ran back up the steps and he dropped the snake like he was embarrassed, so I felt bad. He was just doing his job to prove his worth to his home! I can’t believe I encouraged him to pick it up again, but I did. It was dead, so it took him a short while to find it again. He went back to where he originally captured it and then backtracked to where he dropped it. I waited, very patiently, for him to pick it up again to bring it to me. However, as soon as he picked it up I ran back up the steps. I couldn’t control myself, I just freaked! lol. He dropped it again, and I really did feel bad. This time, though, I snatched him up and walked him inside. I hope I didn’t scar his little brain for life, but I have a fear of three things. The first, of which, are snakes.



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