My Blog

An Elephant Pendant!

The other night I stopped at the PO Box and I have a lot of thanks to give. You guys are absolutely amazing! I’ll post a much better thread next week when I have more time, but I wanted to post this, because I’m that excited!

WLTNBN sent a necklace with an elephant pendant. It was the first gift I opened and it just made my night! With everything we’ve had going on, regarding the Expedition, this week as been truly amazing! There are many of you that were in my cam room Tuesday night. All of which, were incredibly giving and now the overflowing kindness of gifts. I don’t know how to say it enough, so I’ll say it again, you guys really do brighten my weeks. I’ve been tested a lot in the last couple weeks but you guys continue to remind me that each day is a good day. Thank you!

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