My Blog

The Low Down on the Expedition

Okay, I haven’t really filled any of you guys in on what happened, but I’m certain it’s clear that our Expedition was totaled while we were in New Jersey.

We were finished with breakfast and Hedo was about to drop us off at the airport for our flight home. Devil called the guy who was taking care of our place, and who was also picking us up at the airport. During that conversation the guy told Devil that he wrecked the truck. At first Devil thought he was joking because the reason for the phone call was to confirm that he was still able to pick us up. The guy just didn’t think it was a phone call he should have made, I guess. So much so that he let the city of Austin impound our vehicle. We have full coverage, that also includes towing. Not only that we have AAA that has towing. He also knows that our nephew runs a fucking garage. Three reasons he should have called. Oh, and a fourth. It was our fucking truck. Our main vehicle, none the less. Anyway. We still don’t know what happened because the guy hasn’t told us anything that we haven’t asked directly. Devil was so pissed he hung up and then had me call him back. He was given a ticked for following too close. That took me two questions. The other guy was sent to the hospital. That took three. The way he made it sound was that it was a fender bender. The airbags deployed. That’s not a fender bender! Not only that, the engine was pushed into the dash. Pretty sure that wasn’t a light tap. Also, we found out a week later that the other vehicle was also totaled and it was a 2012 Dodge Charger. What a mess!

So. On to better news. We’re going to Eastland, TX in the morning to buy a new SUV. We’ve spent the last three weeks looking at options online, and discussing what we want. We’ve decided to downsize for better gas mileage. When we bought the expedition we were traveling a lot, with tons of camera equipment and other things. Now, with technology, Devil doesn’t need photography lights and a bag of flashes. Also, the gas has steadily gone up and flat lined… so gas mileage is more important than having a huge SUV.

The reason we’re going to Eastland is because a longtime friend works at a dealership and we’d prefer give them our business rather than going to anyone closer, that we don’t already have  a relationship with.

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