My Blog

Infuriating Frustrations

I feel like I might owe you all an apology. I try to give you guys the real me, which is generally very positive and upbeat. However, this past week I’ve been in a “mood” and today sent me into a rage, which I tweeted some of. I’ve always tried to keep that to a minimum because you all are amazing, and the issues that are behind the scenes with cam sites are not your problem. With that said, nothing has been resolved. For whatever reason AT&T suddenly has a problem connecting to and it’s been going on for four weeks. The response I got was hours of frustrations before being told that it’s my problem. That’s when I tweeted a few irate comments. At any rate, you guys should never know about any of the issues that don’t concern you. So, with that, I do apologize.

I spent the day looking at other cam sites and I have a list of a few that I’m going to consider. I will still use SM in the evenings, but it’s time I stop being so loyal when I don’t matter in the bigger scheme of things.

If you’re wondering about my mood today, it’s been shitty. LOL. I did, however, go by a fucking plant and look at some elephant pictures. So, it is improving…

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