My Blog

It’s a lot of Work

We’re only going to be gone for a few days and yet, it has taken me all day just to get ready to get on the road! I mowed around the house, and dog pens, to make it easy for Mike and his family to take care of the place. I hate walking through knee high grass, and I’m surely not going to let them do that when they’re doing us a favor. So, that was first. Then I let the dogs run around like crazy kids while I cleaned out their pool. It was disgusting after all of the rain we had a few weeks ago.. so, now they have crystal clean water, until Dora runs through it a few times. After that I realized my jeans were dirty, so did a last minute load, just to have the dryer stop working on me again. It’s only 2 years old, but this is the third time that fucking heating element has gone out. The last time was the day of our big January party, this time it’s the day we’re heading to Omaha. Do you come up with the same conclusion as me? The man who invented the dryer hates me. LOL. I now have 15 pairs of jeans hanging off our porch. They’ll be dry just as we’re rushing out of the door, which means they’ll be thrown into a pile on my bed.. so much for walking into an orderly home. However, I did clean the house so that’ll be nice… and the Monsters are going to become one with nature while we’re gone. After all of that I realized I need a couple books to take with me. I’ll do most of the driving, but I still like to have something to read, in the event I find a few free hours…

It’s about time for me to clean myself now and get the last minute shit together.. I just wanted to post a few threads on the blog first. You guys are so supportive to even read it, so I like to try to keep up with it, even when I’m not home…


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