My Blog

Omaha Bound

Last night we got a jump start on the drive, to avoid the chaos of the DFW crowd. Today we have a 10 hour drive ahead of us, but the weather looks clear through the plains, and will stay that way until Friday evening. WOOT! You might think I’m making a big deal out of this, but have you ever been on the road when there are tornadoes touching down? About eight years ago we were driving up through Kansas on our way to St. Louis. We had a 40′ trailer on the back of a Ford F-350 and the wind was so strong it picked up the trailer when we were on an overpass, trying to exit the Interstate. I made the mistake of looking behind us right as the trailer became airborne. I’m not sure how Devil managed to keep us grounded and not flip us, but it was the worst experience I’ve had on our road trips, and we haven’t been back through the mid-west since. LOL. At any rate, we found a hotel that allowed us to park our vehicle, with trailer in tow, in between their buildings for two days. If there’s bad weather on Monday, I’m staying in Omaha. I know the trailer was a parachute, but I’m fairly certain the other cars on the road that day were having a hard time staying grounded, too.


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