My Blog

Singing in the Rain…

While we were in Omaha we had a few hours to spare while we waited on our friend. It was raining so we decided to hit up some vintage shops. In the first shop there was a cute old lady behind the counter. She was all smiles. I browsed for a few minutes and found a top and necklace so up to the counter I went. The lady told me that if I could sing one line in a song, that has the word “rain” in it, I would get one item half off. I asked her if Devil could stand in for me, because he’s the song guru. I don’t know any lyrics of any songs… even my favorites. She said that was fine. Devil, however, wasn’t in the mood to play because he said- “I don’t know any songs.” What? Pfft! So, I said, “Don’t be like that! You know the words to every song ever written!”. He replied with a frown and to say, “not with the word ‘rain’ in the lyrics.” Well, Pfft! I started kicking my feet up, swinging my elbows and belted out- “SINGING IN THE RAIN. SINGING IN THE RAIN….. zippity doo dah, zippity ay!” … there was a grumpy lady in the corner who never looked up, but said, ” that’s two different songs.” Well, pfft! on you, too! I was surrounded by grumps, except for the cute old lady who said she thought I did an excellent job! She just brightened my day. She was cute and happy!




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