My Blog

Don’t Cut Another Person Down because You Hate Yourself

When I was younger, I knew this woman who was in her 40’s, and she went out of her way to insult me. She had big, huge implants and beautiful long hair. I was so insecure then, and she knew it. Her insults cut deep, but I never had the desire to make her feel just as insecure about her ugly teeth as she would about my flaws. However, many years later I realize that she was very unhappy about herself, or else she wouldn’t have made it her mission to attack me like she would. I’m much more comfortable with who I am, and I’ve embraced my small boobs, big ass and even my smile. However, those who are haters will always surface, no matter what. The point is, if you have to insult others to feel good about yourself, then maybe you need to reinvent yourself until you’re happy. There are many reasons for this post, unfortunately, those who should read it probably never look at my site, much less take time out of their very important days to read my blog. If you have implants. Good for you. If you feel more comfortable with yourself, having fake boobs. Good for you! I don’t need you to tell me that I’d do better in the industry, or that I’d be prettier if I had implants. I don’t judge you for being superficial, so don’t judge me for being happy with who I am. At the same time, I also don’t need to go to a tanning bed. I’m German, mixed in with English and Irish heritage. We’re not meant to be dark. I have freckles. I don’t have the desire to be superficial with you because when I’m 50, my skin is still going to be soft and lush. So, next time you think you’re doing me a favor by insulting me, how about you look at yourself first. Be happy with who you are. Fake or not, but be real. Not all of us need to enhance our bodies to become the “perfect” centerfold. I don’t judge you, but if you want me to start, how about you take a seat, we’ll be here for awhile.

Now, if you want to “school” me on why I’m not as amazing as your wife, you should grow a brain. There’s no comparison. I do mostly webcam shows, and have the occasional friend join me for a video. Men and women. I don’t have the desire to go to LA and become mainstream. That’s not what I want for my life. With that said, I’m also not one to judge your wife for fucking anything and anyone. Good on her! If that’s what the goal is, then I am happy for you both!

For those random guys out there that want to DM with me on Twitter, and think I’m there only for you to talk dirty to. You need to stop being so self-absorbed. Have you read my Twitter profile, or even looked at my site? No, you haven’t, or you wouldn’t have asked me if I wanted you to come over to my house so we could plan a gang bang for my site. Dude. Take a look at my site.

For those amazing fella’s who actually read my blog, thank you! This post has been a long time coming, but not because of any one situation. Yes, someone suggested I get implants. Yes, they have fake boobs and tan all the time. It’s been more than one lady, and even husbands… this post was finally typed out due to a few random tweets I’ve received as of late.. but, it’s not directed at any one person. It’s more of a rant, if you will, rather than anything. Even though I’m quick to call someone a DB, I don’t have it in me to insult them back. Man or woman. However, I will give them a mother fucking rant! LOL.


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