My Blog

A Jar with Only a Few Pennies and a Couple of Dimes.

We have several pizza places to choose from, but the one Devil likes the most no longer delivers. Catch that? No longer delivers. They did, at one time, but they no longer feel the need to deliver. Sure there are other places, all of which deliver, but this is Devil’s favorite. So, I usually go pick it up.

spare_changeWhen I walked in I was accosted by the same lady, as always. No problem. Customer service. I dig it. The door opens up right in front of the counter/kitchen area. She always asks if it’s pick up. I say yes. She asks for a name. I give her one. She literally looks to the guy that is less than 1 foot from both of us and gives him my name. That guy in turn tells the gentleman standing to his left, which is in his elbow space. Repeats my name. That guy goes for my order that is right in front of them both! It’s really comical. To my right, next to the front door there’s a lady that’s always folding boxes. There’s four people that could do the one job, and yet they no longer deliver. Okay. Whatever. This time the first thing I noticed as I’m watching this spectacle is that the jar is HUGE, but only has spare change in it. I think to myself how strange… but then remember how they give change back. The owner is always the one who rings up the orders and he always gives back big bills. My order was $44 and change. I gave him $60 and he in turn gave back a ten, five and a handful of change. This is the usual way he tenders the register. Normally I give him back the $5 and ask for singles. Normally. This time I just grinned and said thank you, then dropped the spare change into his empty jar and put the $15 in my purse. I did feel like an asshole, but at some point I think he should realize why no one is giving him more than the change. Plus, they no longer deliver. In other words, they can go fuck themselves. I drove. LOL.

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