My Blog

Cam Sites and Technology

I’ve spent all day outside, tearing up my hands and burning my back. I managed to clean up and look forward to the double feature tonight. It is, after all, the first time I’ve done two 1 hour cam shows in the same night. When I pulled up the sign in page, it gave me an invalid UN and/or PW. I tried for twenty minutes, then contacted Streamate…. I was finally able to sign in, but now it won’t let me load my chat room, which also streams my video.

They are having issues, but claim to be working on resolving it. If you’re able to access some rooms, it might not be a problem for all servers. I just happen to be on a server that’s still acting wonky.

I promised you all two hours of member shows, and I’m one to keep my word. Unless I’m down the rest of the night. In that case, we’ll just have to plan a double feature on another night. But, there will be a double feature… plus, we have to celebrate MtnMan75 and his birthday…

Okay, so now I’m just rambling because I’m sitting here staring at the computer. lol. Bye.

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