My Blog

This Week in the Rear View Mirror

As promised, although late, here’s a blog post. Blah, blah, blah.

This week has been nothing of the norm, then add interruptions and being under the weather into the mix and it’s kept me offline for most of it.

Monday I dealt with internet issues all day, and even had that hurdle to jump over during the VNA show. Afterwards, both my lines were completely down and didn’t start working until late into the night.

Tuesday, well that day totally sucked. LOL. I was under the weather. We had to go to SEARS, my favorite place to hate, and Devil made me go to the doctor. Blech! On the bright side, however, SEARS has done some “damage control” and given us a $2700 credit towards another fridge. Yes, I know. But, I’m also not going to say know to $2700 and a brand new fridge! We chose Samsung, who has very good ratings and the sales lady was exceptional, even after we told her we have a SEARS credit. Then the doctor, which was, by far, worse than the SEARS trip. They pricked my finger for diabetes. I’m not even a candidate for diabetes. I’m sure that cost my insurance an extra $50. Then came the blood draw. I’m surprised I had any left. Not to mention she’s horrible with the needle! She went in sideways, not straight on like normal. Who does that? It fucking hurt when she pulled it out and I still have a long sideways cut from it. That is not normal. I’m certain of that. LOL. I wonder if they charged my insurance extra for the pain. Anyway, whatever. That was my Tuesday. I’m fine by the way. Nothing to worry about.

Wednesday, I was on the couch, but there was a lot of chaos in the house… Devil.

Thursday I was able to get online for four hours, once the internet was cooperating and before our friends arrived. They’re in from out of town, only crashing for one night.

And, Today. Our friends left around noon, just in time for me to get ready for the SEARS people to deliver the new fridge. Of course, I’ll spend most of the afternoon waiting…. but once that’s set up, Devil’s kitchen is back in order and I’ve cleaned up the mess, I’ll be online. 🙂

Another positive is that we’ve had a ton of rain! Tuesday we had half an inch and then yesterday it rained off and on and hasn’t really stopped yet. I hope this is the beginning of a rainy season. We haven’t had one in a few years…

Okay, so that’s what’s going on in my world, and that’s why I’ve been offline for most of the week. I will make up the Tuesday show, but probably not until next week.

PS. Bubba, I promised I’d get back to my blog. lol.

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