My Blog

Tigger a.k.a Sleepy

Tiggers daily ritual is to wake up at 330a, go outside and gallivant until 830a, then he comes inside to eat. Once he’s full, he sits and watches over the other two, while they eat. They like to pretend they’re starving and they might not have food replenished for days, so they eat a lot. Once everyone has a full tummy, Tigger departs the group to sleep on the book shelf until about 3p, when he gets up to eat. After that, he finds the icebox for his afternoon nap. About 7p he goes outside to do a boundary check. He’s usually outside until I finish my day on cam, where I find him waiting for me at the Studio door. He promptly runs me over to get inside first, where he finds more food waiting for him. From there he goes to the bedroom and cuddles with Devil until 330a the next day… and then he does it all over again.

He’s our resident scaredy cat, and he makes himself jump 4 feet in the air when his tail accidentally hits his face. So, Tigger fits him, but Sleepy would have also been fitting..


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