My Blog

Another Great Week on

After years of being online, and having a good group of fella’s, I’m still pleasantly surprised with the support you guys show me. You all keep me doing this week after week, and this one wasn’t out of the norm. We had a few new additions to the group Tuesday, which is always nice to see. If you’re a member, but feel it’s too intimidating to join the group shows, please consider joining us next week. The fella’s are always welcoming of new joiners and are always encouraging of each other. There’s fun banter back and forth, and over time it’s become a big group of friends. If you’re not joining because you don’t want a group discussion, then know that you don’t have to be a chatter to still enjoy the member’s show. A membership to my site offers more than most. I don’t just do one member show a week. It’s more like three, sometimes five. lol. The shows that are scheduled are:

Monday 8p EST

Tuesday 8p EST

Thursday 8p EST (20 minute bonus)

All other shows that turn up through the week are in addition to the above listed shows. I’ve been known to do an extra 1 hour show, for a member’s birthday. I’ve also done an all night birthday celebration for a member, giving access to anyone who joins my site… so, when I say my website offers more than most, I do back that up with proof. With all of that said, I’m not one to cancel a show, especially last minute. Life happens, yes. When it does, though, I always know ahead of time and will reschedule a show, but never cancel it all together… I take care of my guys. How about you become one of them today, by joining me. *wink*

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