My Blog

This Week’s Schedule

G’afternoon! We’re going to a party Saturday night, in San Antonio, and Devil’s surprised me with a weekend trip! We’re heading to SA Friday afternoon and will make a weekend of it… very exciting! I’ve already researched the hotel and would you believe it held the very first public demonstration of barbed wire! That is a sign! I blogged about that a few days before he booked reservations. I’m super stoked! Plus, it’s the most haunted hotel in all of Texas.. probably all of the world! I’m going to go party with some mother fucking ghosts! I hope they’re happy and not angry. That would bum me the fuck out.

Okay, so here’s my schedule:

Tuesday- regular schedule

Wednesday- online after 9p EST

Thursday- regular schedule

Friday- early morning, but not before 11a EST. lol. It’ll be an early day, so probably won’t be on after 2p EST. We’re going to the Alamo!

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