My Blog

Drinking = 3 Day Suspension

no-drinkingNew rules have been created and implemented on Streamate, which effect most of us, but not all performers. Unfortunately, SM has turned out to show favoritism to some, forcing a divide among performers. Of course, this is purely speculation on my part, but seriously, how could it not? Some can sit with a cat in their lap, while others can’t even show an image of their dog. Now, if you ask me, that’s just blatant bullshit. The new rules were sent out to all of us a couple months ago. I, however, did not have the time to read through their jargon of legal speak, so I opted to just take a chance. You see, I’ve never been flagrant about breaking any rules, so I figured I’d be safe, and so far I have been, by the stroke of luck, it would seem. I just saw on Twitter this morning that drinking is now an illegal offense and if reported they’ll serve you with a three day suspension. I haven’t had many drinking nights, but there have been a few since the new rule was implemented, which means I was incredibly lucky. Unfortunately, there are performers who spend hours a day watching others, and as soon as one breaks the law, they report the offender. I’ve been reported once, that I’m aware of, and it gained me an unscheduled vacation day. Someone sent me a message asking me if I sell panites via PayPal and I responded with a yes…. getting me suspended within five minutes. When I sent an irate message back to the tattle tail, he/she acted oblivious but then admitted to goading me into it… so, innocent, I think not. Now when I’m asked about panties or anything that’s not SM related, I respond with- sorry, I am not allowed to answer that question through this cam site, or else the donkey’s will suspend me….

It turns out, in my opinion, that SM seems to think that answering one question takes business away from them, but at the same time, they use my link to advertise, giving me no kick backs. I tell you, I’ve worked for corporations who just wanted the numbers, and was still treated with more respect than what SM has shown most of us…

At any rate, it’s politics and there’s not need to fight it. I just have to comply and I will, now that I’m aware of the new “no drinking EVER” rule that they’ve added to the other 101 laws.

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