My Blog

Know Your Area

regionmapLast night someone asked me what part of Texas I reside in. I responded with my standard, “central Texas” response, and moved on. A few minutes later he said. “Oh, you’re an Aggie”, which is code for A&M University in College Station. If you don’t know where that’s at, no worries, I’m about to get to that. I thought about it, trying to figure out what about me says I’m an Aggie, and I came up with nothing. To be honest, I don’t have an affiliation with any of the schools. I don’t follow football, I don’t bleed their colors, nor do I know anything about them, other than where they are and what they specialize in. It turns out that because I’m from Central Texas, I must be an Aggie. I thought the “accuser” must not be from Texas, because College Station is on the edge of the central region, closer to east Texas; certainly not what people consider to be CenTex. He’s from Austin, which is centrally located! I was baffled as to how he could live somewhere and not know his geography. I mean, if anyone know’s where Austin is on a map, you know it’s centrally located. Better yet, if you’re from the area, you most definitely know that Aggie-Land is not in the middle of the state. Furthermore, I’m terrified that he might reproduce and pass on the gene that is directionally challenged. LOL. Yes, I just made up a word. It’ll soon trend and turn into a hash tag and eventually make its way into the dictionary. That’s how it works in today’s social media crazed world.


College Station is in Brazos county, on the eastern edge of the region. Austin, which is in Travis county, is pretty much centrally located within the region.
College Station is in Brazos county, on the eastern edge of the region. Austin, which is in Travis county, is pretty much centrally located within the region.


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