My Blog

Are You Kidding Me?!?

I spent the afternoon online ( and was looking forward to an evening cleaning house, doing laundry, blogging and watching Netflix in the living room. The other day Devil had a friend over and they some how misplaced the two remotes that works the system. It’s not a simple system, mind you. No. That would make sense. Thankfully, though, he got a remote that is intricate, but has a “dumb” button, which I often use when I’ve hit a wrong button and 5 systems turn on all at once, and the receiver starts going from TV mode to very loud music.

I cleaned house tonight and thought for sure I’d find them, but I didn’t. I’ve looked behind every piece of furniture, under cushions, in the laundry, the bedroom, the snack pantry and even in all of the cabinets… that we have. Nothing. I grabbed the bedroom remote, hoping that would be universal because that’s what it says on the fucking top of it… nope, it’s not universal from TV to TV. I then decided to manually turn on the systems that I need in order to watch Netflix. The TV, amplifier and Xbox. I could hear a football game which means the amplifier was on, and the green light on the Xbox was lit, but there was no picture coming from the fucking TV. I finally gave up and finished cleaning. I suddenly wondered if maybe the remotes ended up inside the couch, and I found one! WOOT! Unfortunately, it needed to be charged. So, I still wasn’t able to watch anything on that TV.

I moved to the bedroom and hit the “input” button that Devil told me to, but nothing happens. I decided to watch one of the shows on the Tivo and was fairly content until it stopped playing because that show was recorded from the living room Tivo box and it suddenly disconnected from the bedroom box.. making it unavailable to watch in the bedroom. Are you fucking kidding me?

But, I’ve persevered and didn’t damage Devil’s intricate system of shit! LOL. Anyway, all in all, it’s been a very successful day. I spent time with Dwwindsor, WLTNBN and Bubba. I even had a chance to visit with Bogengelder before I shut down for the day. Not to mention the house is clean and the bed sheets are in the dryer. That’s success!

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