My Blog

Fuck You, AT&T

I pay for two internet providers because I live in the country. The AT&T system is line of sight and the other is satellite. Neither one are dependable, so having two makes sense. However, a few months ago AT&T started blocking their customers from using certain sites. It’s not any specific sites, it’s all dependent on how much bandwidth any one customer uses, and because I’m always on cam, I’ve been flagged by them. I haven’t called them because I’m not a direct customer of AT&T. My provider buys usage from their tower, but let’s face it, even if I call them they’re going to tell me, “we, as a company, cannot in good conscience block someone from using a specific site.” It’s been a small blip in the news and I have a couple friends in the tech field, all of which have confirmed my suspensions. AT&T takes money and then operates as a goddamn dictator.

We don’t pay for their residential package, we are a business account and pay more than most do, all because of where we live. It is what it is. I do not complain.

I found a solution a few months ago, which was to pay for a proxy service, which worked great for two weeks, until AT&T blocked that site. I found another one, that worked for a couple weeks, and the cycle continued until three weeks ago. They now block all proxy sites, or at lest, the ten that I’ve tried. Two, of which, I’ve paid for.

I can rely on satellite, but since AT&T is blocking my IP address, I’ve had to upgrade the satellite package and still find myself running out of the usage agreement before the months end, which is another ten days from now.

I don’t understand companies like AT&T and Sears. Long gone are the days of customer service and appreciation for the dollar paid.

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