My Blog

Let’s Give Her a Name

Several months ago I posted about the grey kitten that found its way into the Monster’s world. I was hoping she’d move on, but to my dismay she has claimed this as her home. In the beginning she would run for safety any time I walked outside, or she’d stand on a rock, which became her lookout perch, until she was certain no person was on the deck where the food bowl was. It didn’t take her long to start playing with the Monster’s. They don’t mind her one bit, which is when I decided I shouldn’t be bothered feeding another  mouth. If they’ve accepted her, I can, too. She follows the around like a shadow. They stop, she stops. They start walking, she slowly starts to follow, and when they run, she leaps through the air in pursuit of her buddies. When Tigger rolls around in the dusty driveway, she does, too, and when Garfield naps on the rocks, she takes one right next to him. It’s cute. Now when I fill up the outside bowl, she will hide behind a flower pot, peering around it in curiosity, but not running for cover. It has taken awhile for her to put weight on, but she’s starting to look healthy and happy. So, let us give her a name. List your suggestions below and then we’ll all take a vote.



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