My Blog

What’s Your Season?

We all have a favorite time of year that makes us the happiest. Whether it’s because of memories, the weather or just because of the month, we all have our treasured season. I want to know what your season is.

Mine would be the fall. The air is cleaner, fresher and full of promise. The leaves change colors, they fall, the wind blows and the cold fronts roll Fallin out of no where. The skies turn grey and there’s a chill in the air. The promise that the fall season brings just makes me happy! It begins early October and ends shortly after Thanksgiving, which, incidentally, is the best day of the year. EVER! But, that is not why I love the fall. It’s for all of the reasons I’ve given, but I think the root of it all is because Mom would open the windows and when I’d get off the school bus I’d walk in to a crisp and clean house. The house was never dirty, but it would get stuffy towards the end of August because of the heat. I remember sitting on the couch with her and telling her about my day and no matter how bad it seemed, and how I thought that one day was the beginning of the end of my life (lol) it was easier to hear her tell me it would all be okay, when the windows were open and the breeze was coming in through the windows and screen door. I just remember having a sense of peace that time of year… before the Christmas holiday would wreck it. lol.

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