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Protesting Day Light Savings Time


I want to know what needs to happen in order to veto this ridiculous part of our history. It’s not just the states, it’s the world. There’s no reason for it. Granted, it was a good solution to save on energy, when electricity was new and hard to come by. It made sense when people were pinching pennies to put food on the table and when we needed to save every bit of energy we could. It’s been awhile since I’ve looked into it, but I’m fairly certain there is no need for it in today’s society. Let’s be honest, we are not a society that saves on energy. There’s no reason for us to spring forward, losing an hour, and totally fucking our sleep cycle’s up, all because we continue to practice daylight savings. It’s a vicious cycle. So, who is well versed in legislature? I’m positive that’s what needs to change. I mean, Arizona no longer puts their residents through such horrible ordeals!

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