My Blog

Members Totally Redeemed Themselves

I cannot expect members to always give me their time, especially when I offer so many shows each week. However, with that said, you guys have spoiled me and it’s rare that the attendance is low. Last Monday was a first. I started the VNA show without any of my fella’s. I didn’t freak out for the first minute, but then five minutes in I was starting to get a little unnerved. Don’t get me wrong, the VNA guys are always gracious and kind, but not usually chatty. So, the first several minutes I was talking to myself, asking the same question- “How was your weekend?” ….. “sooooo…. did you guys do anything fun this weekend?” …. “I had a busy weekend without internet. That sucked… I thought I’d be online, but nooope.” …. “how was the weather for you guys this weekend? …. “I scrubbed my feet (LOL)” …. then in walks Hedo and I was so happy and relieved! I had someone to respond to me. lol. We said our hello’s and then he put me on mute without telling me. Yep. Good talk. LOL. Jer followed Hedo and so I told him that I scrubbed my feet. lol. Anyway, the show was great, as it always is, I’m just so used to my fella’s conversing with me that I don’t know what to do when there’s no response… After I calmed down from being so excited about the company, I got naked and then in walked Dwwindsor and it got real! lol.

Tuesday night I had the second member show of the week and one or two showed up before the start of it, then slowly a couple more and all at once I had about 15 of you guys in the show. It was amazing and surprising! Those of you who aren’t able to make it often showed up. One took off work just to surprise me and another got home after an 18 hour day and instead of going to bed, signed into the show. All joking aside, you guys know you’re mine! LOL. Just kidding. Now seriously, you members really do amaze me and it’s guys like you that keep me doing the member shows.

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