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Bondo vs. Duct Tape

There was a discussion about duct tape today, and, Dwwindsor, being Dwwindsor, said he thought bondo was the way to go when it comes to cars. However, you can cut a car in half and duct tape that bastard back together and it’ll function. I have two pieces of evidence to back that up. First of all, WLTNBN saw it done on Myth Busters and it worked. TRUE STORY. Second of all, Duct.TapeI have witnessed it with my own eyeballs. When I was a kid, there was this lady named Bunny, and she was the town crazy lady. My mom loved her. LOL. Of course, it could be said that Mom loved everyone, but totally beside the point and way off the subject. The evidence here is that she owned a blue station wagon and it was held together by a roll of duct tape. Not only the windows, but the back hatch door, the hood, one wheel fender and most of the roof. I always wondered where she found the car, or if she bought it new and just didn’t take care of it. Or, maybe the sky fell on top of her car and crushed it but it was such a localized incident no one else was effected. I don’t know, really. Mom said it didn’t matter because she was a nice lady and she amused Mom… so, there you have it. Bunny, the sewing shop lady, had a car duct taped together and it ran just fine! Pfft! Bondo. That is a process. Duct tape is the solution. LOL.

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