My Blog

Fucking Internet Companies

I am so frustrated! I’m not able to use AT&T because they block Streamate. They are fucking dictators who still take my money, but don’t want me using SM because I’m on 7 hours a day, streaming a video feed. I’m no techie, but I know enough to realize that the small amount of bandwidth I use isn’t enough to bring down their whole network. We pay more for our service than most, all because I have an online business. I don’t complain. That’s just smart business, and that’s why we pay for two lines. However, the second line was supposed to be backup only, but has become our main line. Unfortunately, it’s satellite and they have data usage agreements. We’ve since upgraded our account, and yet they’re always going offline. Saturday I unplugged the router, then restarted my computer… still nothing. I called and the customer service rep had me run through some other tricks and shockingly the internet came back online…. so, today when our internet went down, I did those same tricks, with no luck. I called and the lady I was unfortunate to have help me, informed me that she was showing we were online. When I explained to her that we were not, she said- “well, I show there was a brief outage this afternoon but it’s been resolved.”…. okay. Deep breath. I asked her if there were any other tricks I might try while she’s on the line to restore our service because I’m still offline. She puts me on hold and comes back to say – “yeah, you’re going to be down for another couple of hours.” What? She told me it was restored, and now it’s going to be a couple of hours? When I asked her if our bill would reflect a discount considering I pay for internet that we haven’t had, she laughed! Then replied with- “it’ll just be for a few more hours.” I said- “Okay, so it was two hours, now it’s three or more… and we’ve had interruptions in service a lot this past month. So, I ask again, will our next bill reflect a discount for another outage?” She said- “well, I can give you a $10 credit.” Okay, I’ll take it.

So… I won’t be on Streamate but will be able to do the VNA show because AT&T doesn’t know to block that site…. if my Satellite line is still down, I’m going to try a new cam site tonight…. I’ll blog the details of that new site, if that’s the case…. there are not expectations for you to join another cam site…



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