My Blog

Jesus FUCKING Christ!

You would think that in this day and age the internet wouldn’t be something so impossible to maintain, even in the goddamn country. Not to mention, my area is one of the fastest growing areas in CenTex, so one would think technology would be advanced. But, one would be wrong. I’ve been patient. I’ve ignored the interruptions to my every motherfucking day. I’ve even kept a positive goddamn attitude about their empty promises, just to keep good energy in my world. Well, that, and I seem to be alone in my frustrations since it doesn’t effect anyone else. Needless to say, I’ve been patient and not resentful in the least, but that is about to fucking change. Yesterday the internet provider switched me to their fiber optics line, but I continue to have speed drops every few minutes. Most probably think that’s no big deal, but when I can’t even sent an email or tweet, that’s a severe fucking drop, not to mention it makes cam less than desirable. But, no one seems to think it’s that big of a deal… someday’s I think I need to find something else to do and stop paying for internet that doesn’t work.

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