My Blog

Too Late For Second Guessing Yourself but Never Too Late to Fix the Mistake!


After a few days of pondering and a week of internet issues, I decided to take the tree down yesterday. It made perfect sense to me. I mentioned it to Devil last week and he didn’t really have a response. That was reason number one. The second reason was because the studio was a wreck. A total disaster zone. Partially my fault. Mostly Santa’s. Who thought that imaginary fat man was a good idea anyway? The third reason, and the most solid of them all, was my internet was, by far, worse than it has ever been. It was testing at a .06, but then would shoot up to over a 10.15 for one minute… I was frustrated. The studio was a wreck. The fat man pisses me off. The internet broke me. Okay. Two hours after I finally made the decision, everything was back in boxes and in the barn… then Devil called to tell me he was sending someone to pick me up, he was taking me to dinner! I was super excited and told him the good news that I’m ahead of schedule! I mean, I just thought I was smart! When everyone else is busy taking their tree down, I’ll be sitting on the couch watching a movie! The sound in his voice, though, busted my bubble… he was sooooo disappointed. Five days early? Why would that make sense to anyone, but a Grinch? OMG. I really am the fucking Grinch! I stole Christmas!

His friend picks me up and I never mentioned it, because I felt terrible as it was. I didn’t need any help this time. lol. We get to the-grinchhis house and Devil, along with another buddy, is waiting for us… I walk in and Devil says, “oh, look. It’s the person who stole Christmas!” …. Of course, the buddies wanted to know what I could have possibly done to get a response like that, and Devil was more than happy to tell them I took the tree down five days before Christmas. WHOA! The reaction I got from them was horrible! They were all laughing, which was a relief, but the one said, “you are a real live Grinch!” and the other one said, “don’t look at me. I normally like to side with you, but you basically torched the tree.” … none of them wanted to hear my reasons.

I’m glad Devil wasn’t irate, because that would have made it worse, but I suddenly realized, I was wrong, but I couldn’t change it now…

Today, however, Devil went to a holiday party with a friend and I decided, it’s not too late to fix this mistake. I spent the afternoon putting everything back. EVERYTHING. This time the tree topper is on straight, so there’s one good thing to come of my stupidity. lol.

Don’t ever take down the tree before the 25th, it is sacrilegious and wrong on so many levels.


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