My Blog

Amazing Fella’s!

I’m reminded on a daily basis that I have an amazing group of fella’s, but I’m always amazed each time you all show up for the member shows. Not only are you there for me, but you’ve all become a big community of friends. You know what’s going on in each others lives, who is having a difficult time and who has the latest redhead sighting.

When I cancel a show, you guys are always the first to lift me up and tell me not to worry about making it up… but I cannot do that. I always make up a canceled show and you guys always make it, even if for a few minutes..

I still have two hours worth of shows to make up from a few week’s ago, which I haven’t forgotten about, I promise. Not that you’re worried. lol. I just want you to know that I haven’t rescheduled because my internet has been so damn unreliable. So, let’s plan on doing that after the first of the year….

Thank you for tonight. One and all. We had a two hour marathon, starting on Streamate and moving to the VNA channel, which was a great wind down from the first hour.

I hope you’re all having a great week and that those of you who still have shopping to do will take your happy thoughts with you.. and keep them to yourself, because those happy thoughts will do you no good dealing with those fucking holiday shoppers. They can be miserable fucking nuts! lol. But, with that said, I will wish you the best of luck! *hugs*

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