My Blog

A Grand Finish to 2014

I’m always amazed at how giving you fella’s are, and how incredibly thoughtful you are. What a fantastic 2014, all because of you guys, and this is proof that the new year is going to be just as amazing!

This is the time of year we all reflect on our accomplishments, failures and desires. I hope that you think very little on the failures and revel in your accomplishments and what the future holds. We all make mistakes, to live them everyday changes nothing, but to have goals and exceed them is what the next year is all about. So, as this year comes to an end, let’s all wish for a good 2015, together.


Dustin, thank you so much for this lingerie set. I loved wearing it during the hour long VNA show, had sexy fun for this quick pic set, and have plans of wearing it many times throughout the new year.

Goodbye 2014 and hello two-thousand-and-fifteen!

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