My Blog

What to Blog…

I’m waiting on Devil to wake up so we can run into Austin, which we’ve been putting off for a week now. So, today is the day. I’m growing increasingly impatient because the longer I sit, doing nothing, the longer my day is going to feel at the end of it. I thought I would take the extra time to blog, but I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes, looking at a blank screen. I literally have nothing to talk about. Well, nothing that is worth sharing here, that is. Garfield is currently stalking a bird, while a doe eats blades of grass only a foot away. Tyson barked just to blow Garfield’s cover, and the doe didn’t even flinch. I’ve read up on news, but there’s really nothing intriguing to elaborate on. I did happen upon an article regarding the state of Virginia sterilizing women, but why not men? That’s one of my soap boxes, which I will spare you from. I also read that the Westboro Church was going to protest at Leonard Nimoy’s funeral, but the location was kept secret, foiling their plans. That’s another one of my soap boxes, and without getting into it, too much, I wonder why they would do that. Why not protest those of child molesters, murderers and those within their own congregation? Instead they protest soldiers and Nimoy, who by all accounts was a good man. It makes no sense! What a hateful group of people. One day they’re going to meet fate, and it may very well be while they’re in their church spewing hate that their god has approved of. Fucking wankers.

I just checked on Garfield and he’s moved on. He’s probably planning his revenge on Tyson… who is happy and walking his perimeter before he curls up in his bed of hay for a nap.

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