My Blog

There Goes Another Hour

And just like that, we’ve lost another hour of our lives. Ack! I really do feel robbed and I thought I was going to spare you guys the wrath of my disdain for DST, but I was obviously wrong. Between this strange weather and DST I have lost all motivation of being productive here lately. That might not sound like a bad thing to most, but it really does effect my overall psyche and even overflows into my cam world. I need to wake up with a desire to do my “daily chores” before making my way to the studio. If not, I linger, doing nothing, and then lose half of my day trying to do something… and then after a few hours on cam I decide it’s time to shut down. That’s not normal for me. Maybe once our weather settles down and stays consistent, but that’s what I told myself two weeks ago.. At any rate, here I am. Blogging. lol. Aren’t you glad for that?!?

We do have a few occasions coming  up, so that’ll give me something to type about, other than my current state of irkdome.


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