My Blog

Off To The Doc, I Go.

Ack! I hate going to the doctor’s office, but after losing my voice last night and drinking a ton of Dayquil and honey, Devil decided maybe that wasn’t enough. After sitting in the very small waiting room for 45 minutes, I finally got called back. The nurse weighed me, took my blood pressure, temperature and asked me a ton of questions. She left and a minute later the doctor was in, asking the exact same questions. Eh. Whatever. I answered them, again. Then she asked if I have allergies. I said, no, I’ve thankfully never been affected by them. She said it might be strep. I said, no, it’s not strep. I’ve had it over 20 times and I know immediately, this isn’t strep. So, she had me say “AHHHHH” while she gagged me with long stick. She thinks that initially it was viral, but the laryngitis was most likely caused by the thick pollen our area is experiencing this year. She said it’s at an all time high and people who never had allergies, now do. Then there was some more yadda, yadda talk and she offered to prescribe a steroid pack and Devil quickly spoke up and said that I’d prefer the shot… which was not at all what I was thinking, but I “manned up” and took a needle in my butt. lol. Anyway, as you can tell, I’m not online today, but I will be tomorrow.. My voice is coming back and I’m going to do my best to rest my vocal cords until I see you guys.

I’m going to a pig roast next door. I hope you guys have a wonderful evening.. sorry to disappear so many times in the last week, but once I get my voice back, that will stop.

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