My Blog

An Update Regarding Tonight (Wednesday)

I’m driving Devil and his Asian neighbor to a poker game, because he’s paying me. Actually, here’s how the conversation went:

Devil: Damn. Eric can’t drive us to the poker game tonight…

Angel: ….

D: Bummer ….

A: ….

D: If only we had someone to drive us; it would be so much safer.

A: Um. Yeah. That would be good.. bummer that Eric can’t drive.

D: ….

D: I’ll give you $50 for your “secret” stash.

A: Okay. What time do we leave?


Since it is Wednesday night, I wasn’t planning to be online any earlier than 930ish, and I will still be on for our Wednesday night visit. I’m not sure if I’ll drop them off and come home for a couple hours, or just stay and wait for them. Either way, the game will finish around 1015ish and I’ll be home by 11 and I plan to make it a very late night. My suggestion to you is get your “chores” done and find your seat by 1030 so I have no distractions; and I won’t have to yell at you. LOL.

I’ll of course tweet, once I know what I’m going to do. I know what you’re thinking, he’s going to get wrapped up in having fun and I won’t be home until 5a- I assure you that will not happen. All joking aside, when he tells me that he will have me home by a certain time so it won’t disrupt my schedule, he stays true to his word.

So, I’ll see you tonight!

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