My Blog

The Squiggly Stuff

Spring is a beautiful time of year, especially with constant rainfall and nice temps. Unfortunately, along with a healthy spring comes the pollen and crap that is associated with allergies. In central Texas we have this brown stuff that falls from the trees, along with green dust. No one knows what that brown stuff is called. I call it “brown stuff”, one of our friends calls it the squiggly stuff and other people call it crap. It’s thicker this year than it has been in recent years which I assume is because we finally had a wet winter and it awoken the dormant particles.. or something. Anyway, I finally was curious enough to try to find out what the squiggly stuff is called. Most sites call it the brown stuff, but a couple sites said it’s the cat skin from Live Oak trees. I bet you’re wondering what that cat skin is all about, aren’t you? Well, that’s the oak trees flowers and it’s a sign of healthy trees. Apparently, the 200 trees on our property are thriving in health. That makes me happy, but I’m ready for them to be done reproducing. The information desk says it lasts about 4 days… that’s days, not weeks… this healthy season has been going on for about 4 weeks and there’s no end in sight. Of course, that might be due to the fact that everything is covered in green pollen and peppered with that brown squiggly crap. It does please me to know that the trees are incredibly healthy because a lot of properties haven’t been so lucky in the last decade. There’s a disease, called Oak Wilt, that has hit most around us, which explains why I feel like our place is, by far, has been hit the worst with this stuff… so, even though it may sound like I’m complaining, I am not… and I needed to blog and, well, this is what is on my mind and I figured this is a place of sharing. lol.

I hosed the hot tub cover off and four hours later this is what it looked like:


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