My Blog

I’m a Hater.

There are days where I find myself getting easily annoyed and today is one of those and I am a full on hater of all things. lol.

If you are someone who wakes up each day complaining, maybe you should try to find something good in your day, instead of always fucking complaining. Poor, poor pitiful me does not have a place in this world. I am sorry that no one has informed you of that before now. If you are one of those who only complains, maybe you should try finding something positive out of your tomorrow.

Those of you who require 150% applause for just being, you should stroke your own ego, because I’m not the person for you, even on good days.

If you are someone who asks how I’m doing on Twitter, just so you can tell me, in five paragraphs, which is much more than 149 letters, how you’re doing and how your stripperĀ girlfriend finally got rid of her abusive boyfriend, along with the drugs, and now she wants to adopt your daughter, today you’re not getting a “wow. cool. congrats.” but a long winded, “are you fucking out of your mind? What loser would think their daughter deserves that mess of a relationship?”

Also, if you want to tell me what it is I’m doing wrong, while on cam, today is not your day. You should save that for one of my happy days. lol.

If I say something in general, whether it’s on Twitter or on cam, don’t be so sensitive and think I’m secretly sending you a public message. I’m saying it because I’m annoyed, but it doesn’t mean that it’s about you, or directed at you. There’s a damn good chance I’d specifically call you out, if that were the case. Therefore, don’t be so fucking sensitive.

When did we all become so fucking sensitive?

One last thing, while I’m on a rant, if you want to know why some lady is no longer online, you’re asking the wrong person. Quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck, nor do I care to dish the gossip as to why she might have chosen another path for herself. Cherish the memories and find another lady who suits you. That advise was free. You are welcome.



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