My Blog

A Rarity

We’ve had storms for the last week and it looks to be hovering over Texas for the next several days yet. It’s good for our water tables and aquifers and I don’t have to mop. All positive points. Today is Wednesday so I’m working through my to-do-list when my phone starts ringing off the damn hook! Devil called to tell me so-and-so called to ask if we were okay. That’s sweet. Then other folks called to check on me. That was very thoughtful. Apparently a tornado had been spotted and our area was getting the worst of it. Well I’ll be damned! I turned on the local news and sure enough, they had several storm watchers in the area filming LIVE coverage… and then the satellite went out and I continued to clean. A few minutes later Devil calls to check on me because he was still hearing news of severe storms with 50 mph winds and tornadoes being spotted. It’s rare that a tornado gets loose here in the hill country, and, although, I should have been concerned, I really wasn’t. The Monsters and dogs seemed unaffected by the impending weather and so I went about my business… and stayed inside. It’s still coming down in buckets but now it’s thundering, which I think is a sign that the tornadoes are no longer in the area.

I was doing laundry, which is in the pump house, so I suppose that won’t get done today, which might be just as awesome as having no reason to mop. I don’t know, yet. Oh! A huge plus is our water tank is filling up. 🙂

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