My Blog

I’m That Person. ACK!

I’m on week three of Steamate issues, and I have become that performer who is clearly not happy. I can’t even fake a smile without sounding pissed off. lol.

I contacted the owner, via phone, and spent 20 minutes discussing the issue. He said there’s clearly a problem, but he’s not aware of the site having issues. Um. Right. He had me email the lady who suspends performers on a whim. Great. She LOVES me. I sent her an email with detailed information on what’s going on, all he tests I’ve run and what my ISP provider has done. For two weeks the tests from my ISP provider and my in house testing has come back with no issues. She asked me to run a trace route test between my computer and I ran tests on both my mac and windows computer which shows there’s an issue with one of their public servers. That’s right, one of SM’s servers. I also had my ISP tech run a tracer route from his computer and he had the exact same result. It’s a server in Potwin, KS. Since I sent her the results, I’ve heard nothing in return. That was yesterday. This morning I sent an email to ask if anything has been resolved. She forwarded my emails to their tech department, which means I’ll be lucky to have a response by Friday. So, another week of crap and I cannot seem to be happy about chatting when I have a “comedian” in my room, who announces that I have no traffic and have had to cancel ALL gold shows today, and a douche bag… and no one else. I mean, what is the point of even being on?

So, there it is, I am THAT person today. 🙁 I will do my best to not yell at you, if you come visit. lol. I mean, I will really try hard… Cliff was in a short while ago and I didn’t yell at him and he’s the Apple dude we all want to choke out on principle alone! lol.

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