My Blog

Contest Gripe


I can’t decide how to start this post so I’m just going to put it out there. I hate social media contests! The only reason I’m not posting this on Twitter is because people are too sensitive to honest gripes. I don’t know if you guys follow a lot of ladies, but I do because we all support each other, for the most part. There are a handful of ladies that put a ton of energy into contests. They’re competitive, I get it; good for them! It’s not just one contest, it’s several and every single fucking month. Again, good for them! My gripe, however, is that they turn their social media into a non-stop contest plug that turns into begging for votes. Not just once every so often, but just about every fucking post! If you have to beg for votes, then it’s not really a contest, it’s a popularity game. One month ends, a crown is given, then the next one begins. It’s always the same ladies who put more effort into gaining votes, than being sincere and getting to know their viewer base. I still say, good for them! What I don’t like is that they post, then 10 people who supports all of the ladies re-post… so now my TL is chocked full of “come on, don’t be a loser! Vote for me!” – “only five days left. You can vote once every 24 hours!” – “Have you voted for me today?” … if you have to continue to beg and push votes, then you’re not a fucking winner! Also, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t make them more successful in their “field”. I could be wrong, I’ve put no time in researching my theory, nor do I join contests that require you to be the most annoying in order to be crowned the most popular. End of rant.

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