My Blog

Haters Gonna Hate


If you’re on Twitter and you follow a lot of ladies, you probably saw tweets regarding protesters outside of the Exxxotica show this past weekend. I have to admit, it was a first for me, and I’ve been to several shows over the years. The location being in Dallas was not the best decision by the powers to be, which proved to be true when the mayor was still trying to stop it just days prior to the show dates. The protesters were angry fools who are full of hate and have nothing else to live for. They were vile and full of poison. The more they were ignored the angry they became. They didn’t attack us as a whole, but individually. They also didn’t pay much attention to the men, except to warn them about what filthy sluts they were walking with. To me that shows how ignorant they are and it concerns me that they are reproducing with the lack of good gene pool they have to work with, but it is a free world, and it’s not me to judge. What baffles me more than their stupidity and anger is that they truly believe that is going to save some of us from hell’s damnation. I don’t know anyone who witnesses such hate and decides that they’ve been walking alone far too long and now they are ready to welcome “God” into their life. But, that’s just me, and I am not a believer. With that said, I think we all need to believe in whatever it is that gets us through our days; good and bad. I’ve been on both sides of it and I’m the same person now as I was then, with the exception of being happier. The moral of this post is that some people have nothing but hate to live for and, unfortunately, those are usually the people with the loudest voices. I feel sorry for their children.

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