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The Elephant Sanctuary


The nations largest natural habitat for elephants is in Tennessee, and they do amazing things for both Asian and African tuskers. They protect the mammal herd, and give them a safe haven to live out their days making new friends, reconnecting with old ones and exploring the habitat. In order to maintain the sanctuary as a true habitat for elephants, it is not open to the public.

They have just welcomed their 25th elephant, named Hadari, a 33 year old African. Because Africans do not get along with the Asians, they have separate areas to call their own. She is joining Flora and Tange, who will, no doubt, love her before too long.

hadari6The owner visited the sanctuary a few months back and met with the on-site doctors to discuss Hadari’s medical history and to develop a safe plan in her transport. She is one of the lucky few who had a decent owner and a good life prior to her move. Hadari was only 2.5 hours away at the Nashville Zoo where she was well cared for and loved, so the transport was easy; she remained calm and stayed curious throughout her move.

Upon arrival, the owner called her into the barn where fresh produce and banana leaves were waiting for her and as she curiously inspected the shelter and ate, the staff closed the gates. Her first night was one of exploration and indecisiveness as to whether she wanted to hang out in her barn or outside in the moonlight.

I think her new digs will be an easy transition for her, and for her new companions. They will be friends in no time!

It is clear that she does not “need” a hug, but I would still love to hug on her!

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